A traditional Greek dish (Fasolada, Φασολάδα) made of white beans and vegetables. The main ingredient, extra virgin Greek olive oil, adds to the superior taste.
Making bread may seem to be a difficult task even for an experienced cook. Having your kitchen filled with the heady aroma of fresh bread in the oven is worth the try. Cut the first slice and take a bite from your own bread is rewarding and what is all about!
The Moroccan cuisine is among the best in the Arab World. They use no chili peppers but saffron and other herbs to spice up their dishes. Some of their dishes are influenced by the Spanish and Italian cuisine. Among the most famous and popular Moroccan dishes are cous- cous, the pastilla, a pigeon meat pie and, of course, the traditional tagine or tajin.
Pasta Flora is a marmalade tart, very easy to make. It can be made in all sizes, from small individual to large tarts, always decorated with a latticework made from the dough. You can use butter, margarine, or corn oil for making the tart crust, adding orange or lemon rind.
One of the most popular Greek staples is lentil soup, known as fakes (Greek φακές), which is often served during Lent period, typically made with small green-brown lentils and vegetables. It is a simple dish, delicious and nutritious, that can be prepared with or without tomatoes.
Olympia is located in the south part of Greece, which is called Peloponesse. In Ancient Greece, Olympia was sacred ground to the Greeks.
Olympia, a sanctuary of ancient Greece in Elis, is known for having been the site of the Olympic Games in classical times. The first Olympic Games were in Olympia in honor of Zeus.
A delicious, popular and yet traditional Greek sweet that is made with olive oil, sugar and semolina. No milk, eggs or any butter are added and because of the nuts that it contains, it is very nutritious.
A delicious marmalade with a lovely color, perfect aroma and flavor. Is ideal for toasted breakfast bread and also can be used as filling in cookies, tarts, cake tops.
Many varieties of home fruit preserves are made globally. The ingredients used and how they are prepared determine the type of preserves; jams, jellies and marmalades are all examples of different styles of fruit preserves.